How to save buttons for re-use?

I don' know how many times I make a new button for the toolbar, by copy/pasting from here, but for the life of me I am unable to figure out how to get that button to save on my list of options to customize. It's like everytime I want to customize a toolbar I have to recreate the button. As it is I keep a text doc that has the info I need, but I am having a hard time figuring out the user commands/creating a button/menu/scripts...etc

So plainly put, how can I save the buttons I create to the customize list so that they may be reused?

The way to create User Commands is described here, but User Commands have some quirks which may complicate things a bit.

An easier way to build up a library of buttons is to create a folder somewhere and then, while in Customize mode, drag any buttons you want to store from the toolbar into the folder. You can then later drag them back to a toolbar in the same way.

You can put your own things in /dopusdata/User Data if you want them to be included in config backups. (Type that into the path field in Opus and it will take you to the appropriate folder.)

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Thanks, I didn't know that I could drag buttons outside the lister to be reused later. It just seems odd that there isn't a way to simply add the newly created button to the list of options. I lose days trying to tweak up my listers, and the worst part is that each time a make a change I have to save it or else it gets lost. Each change requires a new name. I must be doing this wrong.

If the buttons are in a menu or toolbar then they are already saved. Where does the need to save them somewhere else come from? That's usually only for things you no longer need but might need again in the future, or for when you want to share a button with other people.

Could you elaborate on that a bit? It doesn't sound like the way things should be. You should be able to edit a toolbar and then that's that; the toolbar changes are saved. You should not need to give anything a new name if you're just adding some new buttons.

Some people have found problems with config changes not being saved due to something else messing up their user profile so the files become read-only. That could be what's happening, but I am not sure from what I know so far.