Hi, I don't know how to make a selection of files to delete in a collection of duplicate files.
Imagine the scenario shown in the image: In the collection we have duplicate files in G:\Music\Music Center\ but also in subfolders of G:\Music\Music Center. My goal is to select for deletion only those files that are located in G:\Music\Music Center and have duplicates in any of the subfolders. In other words, how to make Dopus allow me to select the target folder from which to delete duplicates.
I had thought to search the collection for those that meet that criteria, but I can't find a way to do it.
Can you help me? I have read the topic entitled "Duplicate Finder - Select for Deletion by certain criteria" but given its age I thought, perhaps wrongly, that it would be better to open a new one.
Many thanks,
For each group of duplicates, it will always keep the top one and select the others for deletion. So you can change the way the list is sorted to influence which items are kept vs selected.
You can also use the Edit > Select by Pattern (then click Advanced if needed) UI to do more complex (de)selections, for example based on path.
Thanks for your quick reply, Leo
Sure I haven't explain my needs well.
Yes, but as you can see in the picture, the two first group doesn't have files in the path i wish to delete from, so this is unuseful for me. This method forces me to look the whole list to exclude those groups
Sorry, I doesn't have access to the program now, but as I can remember, this way not allow me to get something as "Mark to delete only the files located in g:\music\music center", wich is what I need
Well, this is... embarrassing. In Spanish, when something is in sight and you don't see it, we usually say "If it's a wolf, it will eat you!!"
Thank you so much.