I wanna sort folder tree by modified time, how to do it?
You can't, the tree is always sorted alphabetically.
This would be quite a useful feature. Is there any chance it may get implemented in a future version?
Why do you need that?
You might try using dual display mode and make left display show only folders, sorted by modification date.
Then use middle click or Ctrl + double click or whatever on the folder in left display to open it in right display.
I do use what you suggested as the folder tree idea suggested by the OP is not an option, but this is not as good for the following reasons IMO:
You have to give more attention to the task at hand in terms of using more motor skills. This is fine if you are doing work, but if you are chilling and looking through folders of mp3s or ebooks, then this is kinda of a pain.
Obviously I have quite poor motor skills as I mess up sometimes and enter the folder in the left pane, then I have to go back to rectify the mistake. Not an issue if you are looking through a few directories, but sometimes this can involve 100's of folders. So the dual thing is not as convenient as clicking thru the folder tree.
Sometimes it's better to have larger screen real estate so you can see all the columns such as bit rate, other media info, etc, which is better to do in explorer format.
- You can make left pane smaller.
- If you Go Up or Go Up Back, DOpus selects last visited folder, so it doesn't seem to be big deal.
- Middle click may be even easier than double click if you have nice mouse. I use middle click and double middle click quite often in DOpus (and in Opera browser).
thanks for the tips. i'll def try the middle button suggestion.
You can configure middle click behavior in File Types window. Try changing behavior for all folders or all files and folders.
BTW, you can also change middle click behavior in folder tree (see preferences).