How to turn off Find as you type field

Is any method to back to "classic find as you type" without displaying special field in Opus 10?

And second - PageDown in file lister works strange.

Also - when upgrade, my drives toolbar was replaced (i was backup so i restore this one).

Sorry - one post and 3 problems, but important is first one and I don't want to create separate posts for very small issues.


Could you be a bit more descriptive?

Ok, one first PageDown hit - files scroll down and selection rectangle is placed on last visible file, second page down hit - selection rectangle going one file up without scrolling.

And last small (not important) question - is any method to make source/destination colours (that inside lister) flat without gradient?

Thanks. That's been filed as a bug report.

No, but we could add it if people want it.

Will be useful (that turn off gradient) and disable find field animation (or possibility to disable that field visible at all) especially if someone works remotely (for example using Radmin) and all nice gfx effects slowing down connection. After all - everything should be configurable in Opus. :slight_smile:

The animation is already disabled if "Menu and Window animation" is turned off on the Remote Desktop experience tab.

I'm not sure the gradients have much effect on Remote Desktop speed since they're over such small areas and each row of pixels is the same color (i.e. easily compressed).

Probably you're right, but if rest of colours in system are flat, one gradient inside do not look so good.

Anyway, I'm not talking about Remote Desktop, just commercial product that just shows desktop as is, without separate settings for disabling anything. If all other windows has option to disable slide in Opus, this one shoud have that possibility too.

Maybe in future version, is not so important I think. Opus works great.

There are system-wide settings to turn on/off those animations. There's no need for every program that might animate something to make you to configure it individually (unless there's something really special about the particular animation/program, of course).

The remote-viewing software should simply allow you to configure the system-wide settings the same a Remote Desktop does. Or, if it doesn't for some reason, you could turn them off via Control Panel. It's the settings that you find under System - Advanced - Performance (or something like that; I don't have it in front of me to check the exact name).

But I have turned off all type of animations in my system (using control panel and TweakUI Microsoft tool for turn off additional hidden settings). And still that Find while typing bar slide and it's the only animation I have. So no - it's not system thing, it's Opus.

This is the option that controls it in Windows 7. I don't know where it is in Windows XP, but try looking in the System control panel for performance options, rather than TweakUI.

Oh, apparently that setting was introduced in Vista.

Believe me or not, I have all animated elements turned off, no matter I check this by control panel > system > advanced > performance (that is place in XP where you can find that window) or other way. I am talking only about one element - that small "Find" panel that shows inside lister:

This is the only animated/slide elemet in my system. Personally I prefer to not see this Find window anyway, but if it's impossible, then at least let this element shows without sliding.

I believe you. The option to turn off the flag that that field checks didn't exist in XP.

You're right, I check on my friend's computer withn Win7 and there is special option that does not exists in XP.

Anyway, this will be not too much to work as I think so can I request extra option to hide find field in next update? It is very useful for beginners but for people who using find by keyboard from years (it works on almost every dialog box in any program), it's distracting and selection rectangle move is good enough.

I wrote a similar post. +1 vote to have an option to hide this field, and just have the find work like windows normally does.

A little update - why hidden "find as you type" is needed. If you using keyboard for search filename and then space for select that file, it's impossible because now space is add to find field and selecting file doesn't work unless escape "find as you type" field. I really hope that one function (silent find as you type) will be restore.

You don't need to push space to select the file; it's selected for you by the FAYT field.

(Even if that wasn't the case, what if you want to find a name containing a space? Seems to me the ordeal of having to push Esc or wait a moment for the timeout is worth it for being able to select all filenames, even ones with spaces.)

Ok, "what if" is good question. So best way is give people choose which way they want to use "find as you type" (with or without field).

Unless someone comes up with a good reason that the FAYT field gets in the way somehow, we're not going to add options to remove it.

Every option is another one for people to wade through when trying to find what they want, and another potential source of bugs because we have to test more modes. We're not going to add options for every single thing anyone asks for, only the things that make sense. (Especially when the one or two people asking for those options seem to misunderstand how the current setup works or give reasons for disliking the current setup based on how they think/assume it behaves not how it actually behaves. That suggests you haven't really tried to use it and are just looking for reasons to ask for it to be changed.)

I try to use it all the time because I has Opus 10 installed. It works but I still prefer standard find method like all other windows programs has. But if disable is impossible, please at least give me possibility to disable animation in WinXP or, if its impossible too, just simply option to hide that window (even if it work in new way). That will make some people happy and none of additional useless windows will not distracts my attention. It is useful for slow users but I can enter few directories per seconds this method (and as I suppose many other fast users too) so in fact I don't really care what displays in that additional field and all animations and other sci-fi stuff slows me down.

I really think that new Opus is nice, new copy progress is nice, lot of improvements are great, even new search window is what I can handle with, but this one function is really annoying.