How to update a zip file?

My scenario: I have a zip file containing an Excel file. I unzip the zip file and update the Excel file and answer "Yes" when asked if I should save it. But the Excel file is not updated. What am I doing wrong? I use Opus function for processing the zip file.

If you've unzipped the archive, you'll need to add the new version of the file back into the archive after modifying it.

The files you unzip from the archive become independent from it.
Even if you open the files from within the archive, what happens in the background is that the program extracts it to the windows user temp folder and what gets saved is the temp file, not the one inside the archive.

Thanks for quick reply!
But should you not use Dopus if you want to update a file in a zip file?

I now see that I also received a reply from Leo.

You can use whatever archive program you want, but to update the excel file into the archive, you have to do it manually, drag-n-dropping the excel file into the archive or creating a new archive alltogheter