I can't position a script dialogue window

I cannot work out how to position the dialogue window. Here is my current script code, with x=1 and y=1 there experimentally to work out how to use the code:

var oDlg = DOpus.dlg;
oDlg.title = ". . .";
oDlg.message = ". . .";
oDlg.buttons = ". . .";
oDlg.position = "absolute";
oDlg.x = 1;
oDlg.y = 1;
var nChoice = oDlg.show;

I am launching the button from a floating toolbar.

  • When the focus was previously on a DOpus window, the dialogue is centred on that window.
  • When the focus was previously on the desktop, the dialogue is centred on the monitor.
    Changing "absolute" to "monitor" changes nothing.

Clearly I am misunderstanding the position instructions at Reference —> Scripting Reference —> Scripting Objects —> Dialog, but I'm afraid that I can't work it out.

Or perhaps these position procedures don't work with the old-style dialogues.

I suspect the x/y arguments are only used for custom dialogs that use a template/resource to define their controls.

Simple requesters will always be centred over their parent window.

Edit: Yes, looking at the manual, it says this is the case.