I think I spotted a minor UI bug?

Hi folks!

I think that this is a minor UI glitch but in the way of such things, it's a really irritating one.

I have Windows 8 (although this also occurred with a possible work-around in Windows 7; I can find no work-around in Windows 8) with DirectoryOpus (downloaded it to see if I could fix it). I have a DOpus toolbar on the right-hand side of my screen which is arranged in "Taskbar" view. When I maximise windows, I would expect them to maximise up to the toolbar; however as you can see in the enclosed screenie, it maximises up to the edge of the screen; obscuring part of the window when the toolbar is "always on top".

In Windows 7, I could set the toolbar to hide, hide it, then unhide it and set it back to not hide; and windows would then maximise "correctly" until some unknown event caused it to stop working again. This doesn't work in Windows 8.

You'll also note the gap at the bottom end of the taskbar - this did not occur in Windows 7 at all; the taskbar would be the full height of the screen.

Thanks for listening.

Did I do/say something wrong? Or did you guys just not get to this post yet?

Not got to it yet.

I suspect Windows 8 may have further reduced the shell's docked toolbar functionality (a trend over the last few Windows updates) but I haven't confirmed that yet.

I've tried this on Windows 8 and it seems to work properly for me:

Make sure the toolbar isn't set to Auto-Hide (otherwise it will overlap things like that, but only when the mouse is on the edge of the screen).

Try un-docking and re-docking the toolbar (or just close and re-open it), as sometimes the Windows desktop gets confused about where its docked toolbars are until a change to them forces it to re-evaluate them.

Check that it's not specific to how Chrome maximizes, too, as I don't have Chrome installed on my Windows 8 machine. (I do have Chrome on a Windows 7 machine and it works with docked toolbars fine there, so it's probably not a Chrome issue.)

Thanks - undock and re-dock worked.