I want to have "Find results" lister slightly different

You're confusing things here by talking about the "Details Mode layout".

Layouts and styles are two different things, but Details Mode is neither of them.

Details Mode is a view mode. (Thumbnails, List and Large Icons are some other examples of view modes.) Changing the view mode will never change which columns are present. If you want to just change the view mode you can do so via the View menu (and via several other places).

The view mode can also be changed by applying a style. One of the default styles is called "Explorer" and I think it's that style which you've been (incorrectly) calling "Details Mode."

Which columns are displayed is determined by the folder format. The folder format can be modified by styles.

However, by default, none of the styles touch the folder format or which columns are displayed.

If any of your styles are modifying the displayed columns then they must've been edited from the defaults. You can undo that by going to Settings ->Preferences / Listers / Styles and working down the list of styles, making sure that the Format checkbox near the bottom-left is turned off for all of them. (Do that for both the Left File Display and Right File Display tabs.)

Also, you can quickly see if any of your styles change the format because the description of them in the list will include "change format".

Many thanks for all the support sofar.

Indeed, under Preferences/Listers/Styles/Format ->Edit I have untagged 'Columns' for all 7 listers for both Left and Right Display.
Save/applied/closed DO and relaunched DO.

Regretfully this does not make any differences (when doing a search and then switching between image/details mode there)

Now ..
Only when I add the location-field (using RMB on the column header/more .. etc.) the location field will then indeed remain in place
when doing a find action. I mean, switching between images/details will not make any difference,
the location will be displayed, correctly.

Obviously, at that point, I think the location field has become default, which as not really my 'starting point'.

Well, anyway, guess I have to 'accept' it. 'Accept' may be overdone, it is not a really big issue of course.
But one starts to look for the reason why things simply donot work as it should, which is always timeconsuming.

I don't need that information to be displayed as in the left window panel it is already shown where I a am,
so it's a bit useless to show the location field in right window panel as well.
Often I working with these (very) long filenames of classical music-titles, so I then need all the space, so to say.

Thanks again.

Just adding the location field via the More... menu is only temporary. You have to save that folder format for the Find Results collection if you want it to be used again the next time you go to Find Results.

Go into Preferences - Folders - Folder Formats and make sure the coll://Find Results format actually has the Location column, and has the Columns tab turned on (as discussed in this thread before we started talking about Styles).

Thank you!

Yes, I have saved it and the coll find results and duplicate files are there alright.

Whilst using DO very often, bottomline I am just a 'simple end-user', so to say. Some small additional 'tweaks', thanks to you and other cracks here,
made DO work 'tailormade' and in fact, for me, there is hardly any reason to go into preferences/settings whatever. Why should I ?
DO does what it does and perfectly behaves the way I wish it to. It is an outstanding program!

That having said and with all the compliments to the developers and experts here, I think for users like me, who hardly go into preferences / settings
and stuff, those parts of the program are not always logical. Sometimes this results in endless 'searches' and 'tries' on how the program responds
on (un)tagging or (de)selecting things, at least, that's the case with me :wink:

Just to give one example, to explain what I mean: when selecting Settings/preferences/Display->Fields, I would assume that at that point
I cud select the fields that I get displayed once I launch DO. But this seems not to be the case.
The Help file says that this refers to Listers. (If that is the case, personally, I would then move that section to the Listers section)

However, embarrassing enough, when going thru all the preferences I've come to discover a number 'features' I was not even aware of.

Like Logging. Yes, it is a shame I did not know it was there, whereas, in fact, on some instances, it would have been very helpful...
(Note: when clicking on the "View Log" button within preferences, I haven't found any other view log button but within preferences,
the window opens full screen and cannot be resized, it is either full screen or entirely closed. The small button left of the close window
button at the very top right of the window, reacts as minimized window).

like 'counting' when deleting files, I have it tagged, but when deleting many GB's (say 30-50, with 24000 files), well, it is taking a while before
anything is happening even with my RAID and Intel Q9550 PC.

Photosharing (Flickr, ImageShack) - maybe one time in future other services will be added, like Photobucket and or filehosting services
(IF.. at all that is technically possible). Filehosting like Mediafire.

DO great, the support thru this website is great and I am happy that I bought it a couple of years back.

oops, sorry for the long post.. i just realized this.

I've split the post about Collections, Folder Formats and Styles into a separate thread.