Icon background color when pressed

Sometime ago I changed a setting that altered the color shown behind the icon when it is pressed. I had changed it to a red gradient color as shown in the image below. Now I want to undo the change but can't find it anywhere.

Where is this specified?

img513.imageshack.us/img513/3939 ... 195jh9.png


Try here:

That's probably where I changed it but mine looks identical to yours. The custom indicator is not active and the three colors below are set to their defaults.

If I change the highlight base color to something else (like green), it will display green as the highlighted color when I hover and select the button. But if I turn it back to a gray color, the red re-appears. I've tried toggling back and forth... the colors work but when I turn them back to the transparent color or something else, the red re-appears.

If you turn on the Custom checkbox and click Edit, is the red colour in there at all?

No. They are all set to Transparent (which shows up as a gray color).

I've activated that setting and changed the color to gray... which is correctly showing up. But if I change it back to transparent, the red highlight reappears... so I can "fix" the problem but it seems to be a bug.

This is a long shot but if you go to Customize and select the toolbar, is a background color defined there? (Doesn't look like it from your screenshot but worth double-checking.)

If you go to /dopusdata/ConfigFiles and open prefs.oxc in a text editor, does the toolbars section near the end seem consistent with what's shown in the Prefs GUI? Here's mine for comparison in case it helps (or just so you know what you're looking for):

<toolbars flags="0x9139d" padding="0,1" spacing="3,2"> <color base="#d87fea" gradient1="#c0c0c0" gradient2="#ffffff"> <custom officeframe="#404040" officegradient1="#ffffff" officegradient2="#c0c0c0" officegrip="#808080" officehot="none" officehot1="#ffffff" officehot2="#d87fea" officepush="#ffffff" officepush2="#c647e0" officetick="#e2a4f0" officetickhot="#eeddeb" /> </color> </toolbars>

Might be worth pasting mine over yours and restarting Opus to see if that makes the red go away. If not then we've ruled that out completely, at least.

No, there is no background color specified.

I went ahead and copied yours into mine and then restarted DO. Your colors are showing up and I was able to change them... DO is responding fine.

However, I think there is still a legit issue here or perhaps something misleading (maybe it's working as intended): If I have defined a highlight base color and menu gradient, they show up correctly. If I go back to Prefs and activate the custom setting and specify "transparent" for each of the 6 different button highlight colors and OK out... my previously defined custom highlight and menu gradient colors show up... not the custom transparent ones.

It seems like there is an overlap which might be intended... if you activate the custom feature and specify a transparent setting, the previously defined base colors are used.

That's actually what "transparent" means in this situation - it means "no color specified, use the defaults" rather than "transparent".