Icons for Toolbars


I have looked through the forums and cannot find something this specific. I hope its as simple as what I'm thinking.

I have a folder of .ico files. I add to this as I find more that I like. I want to use this as a library of icon files for my toolbar items.

I want to be able to change the icon for this folder (in dopus, not in explorer) using the .ico files in my directory. How do I add this directory so that when I customize > right click on the toolbar item > edit > select icon > pick my custom directory?

Ive noticed that it by default opens the imageres.dll library, dopus.exe, shell32 etc... But I just want to add a directory so that as I add to it over time I can just navigate to this directory and select from my newly downloaded icon files. Is this possible without compiling a dll or similar?

If they're all individual ico files, you'd need to browse to each icon using the top line of the icon picker.

You could streamline things slightly (and also make the icons load much faster) by turning them into an icon set.

Oh I see what you mean by "browse to each icon using the top line of the icon picker.". Copy the full path correct? It worked I thought id leave this here for the next person who asks.

In regards to turning them into an icon set, Id rather have the flexibility to just keep adding to this .ico directory without creating an xml and whatnot. Would hate to be rude but could it be a consideration for future development (on top of your massive list of cool things you are developing I'm sure :laughing: )?

I can use the workaround for now, never hurts to ask though :slight_smile: Thanks for the great explorer replacement, dont know how I lived without this before!

There's a folder icon you an click to browse for the icon path. No need to copy/paste/type anything.

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Thanks Leo! That works :+1:

This iconset maker tool Iconset Maker (Updated) - Icons - Directory Opus Resource Centre (dopus.com) helps with making iconsets, once you get it set up and wrap your head around the workflow, it's just a matter of putting PNG images in a folder to make the iconset which can be added to and re-made whenever.

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