On the screen shot you can see that Nero Showtime has snapped up (but not allowed during installation!) to be the default player of mp3 files.
I've changed this back with/to RealPlayer. I've also restarted DOpus, double click on it and RealPlayer plays the mp3 file - but why are there still the icons of Showtime (for mp3) or Windows Media Player (for .wav) (which I've changed to Realplayer too)?
I have had this happen, but i dont think this is a DO problem. Whenever file associations change, it tends to take a while for the icons to show up with the proper application. Or you could simply reboot the machine to fix. Maybe there is another way, or i am wrong, but that is what i usually do. Then again, so long as the proper app opens the file, if it takes a while for the new icons to set in, it usually does not bother me that much
TweakUI's "rebuild/repair icon cache" function may get you the correct icons. You may still need to restart Opus afterwards since I believe it has its own icon cache, but the first time it gets a filetype's icon it may come from the system's cache.
Sorry if I'm wrong as I don't know the details of how the system really works, but it's worth a try.
I've also restarted DOpus again and there are still the old icons also not after an reload.
I know from SpeedCommander that when I change it that it will be detected automatically (or after a reload of the directory). So for me it's a mysterious caching of DOpus ... also between restarts. I'll restart my machine later and see what happens ...
I had same problem before with MP3 assigned to Mediaplayer and then to Winamp. I reassigned the extension manually via DOpus filetypes-settings and it worked. Don't ask me why
I hate Nero Showtime, let alone any application which does not ask the user about access rights prior to savagely ripping the settings away from the user. That goes double for any application which reboots the computer without an option to cancel.</useless comment>
Nero Showtime does ask about file types when it is installed (at least the download version in Nero 6 Ultra suite does). However, if it is installed silently, it defaults to grabbing all supported file types. The bummer is that it doesn't provide an interface to configure the file types afterward.
Drat !!!
Yet another problem with Nero 7 .
I'm currently using Nero 6 on this old reliable PC.
I've never used Nero Showtime though.
I have an old version of Sonique that I use for music.
Typically I launch it through Tag and Rename before I go to sleep.
I'm building a new computer here ( just bought two WD raid edition 500 GB drives @ newegg ).
I also have a Samsung 19" widescreen monitor.
I plan to later add a 22" widescreen.
It's down to just the last nity grity of it.
The mainboard is a ..... I'm not telling yet.
But, hail Nvidia and thanks much ATI .
Ahhhh, damned bottlenecks .
Hint : EVGA
Interesting that Plextor drives include Adaptec rather than Nero.
Yes - Nero has asked during the installation and I always remove all selections but depending on the version you install it grabs the file types - definitely silently in the latest version! - not all but a few - e.g. .mp3 but not .m3u or something like that.
In the meantime I hate Nero - there are too much bugs. Also some .mp3 are empty on an Audio CD.
HOWEVER - back to the original request:
After re-starting the whole PC - DOpus uses the new icons (RealPlayer, Media Player). Why not after a restart of DOpus? Very mysterious.
This should be fixed because my PC runs for a week or longer with a lot of open programs, etc. - so I don't want to restart the PC every day.
After uninstalling Nero - it deletes all filetypes - but NeroShowtime/Photo were not active (see posting before). This has happend multiple times - I can remember.
Now I've re-installed without NeroShowtime/Photo and I have not been asked for the file types.
However - I've to add the file types again via RealPlayer or Media Player.
After uninstalling Nero - it deletes all filetypes - but NeroShowtime/Photo were not active (see posting before). This has happend multiple times - I can remember.
Now I've re-installed without NeroShowtime/Photo and I have not been asked for the file types.
However - I've to add the file types again via RealPlayer or Media Player.[/quote]
btw: After un-installing and re-booting the pc .. DOpus still shows the previous icons!!! But double-click of programs does not work because no file types are associated. Please FIX this ... THANKS
Interesting .. when I start RealPlayer to change the file types ... all will be shown to be open via RealPlayer (ok) but - when I double click on DOpus nothing is associated but the icons will be shown ... more mysterious.
After pressing OK in Realplayer - then a double-click on DOpus works - without re-starting.
What is the difference between double-click and the icons which will be shown. I await when I double click on a file that the program will opened depending on the icon. But that is not true. Why?
HAHAHA - I can't believe it --- after double clicking on the files (only .wav - not .mp3) - the icon changes to Windows Media Player but a double click opens RealPlayer ... it's horrible .. don't understand anything anymore.
Sounds like the filetypes in your registry are in a messed up, inconsistent state, to be honest.
I don't know the complete ins and outs of the filetypes and icon system in Windows but maybe it'll all be fine if you find the program you want associated with the files and make it re-create the filetype entries/associations. Junk left over by other programs, or incorrectly deleted by their (un)installers, could still cause problems, though.
I'd get everything looking and behaving correctly in Explorer before worrying about what happens in Opus since once that is done you may find everything is fine in Opus as well.
Ahead/Nero really have dropped the ball with the whole version 7 suite by the sound of it. Even the installers for the components have multiple issues by the sound of it.
I'm firmly entrenched with the Nero v6.x Suite. I saw no real compelling reason to upgrade to 7 anyway. This application has gone in my leap-frog file.
In general this is how I go about upgrading:
Upgrade to every fourth version:
MS Office
Upgrade to every third version:
Digital Imaging suite (Ulead PhotoImpact in my case).
Web Design software. (discontinued HotMeTaL Pro in my case)
Microsoft Windows (I have two PCs so I almost always have the current and next most current version).
Daemon Tools
CD/DVD suite (Ahead Nero Suite)
Things I do upgrade to every version:
Freeware applications (Spybot S&D, Windows Defender, CCLeaner, Hijack This, SysInternals)
Software with free Upgrades (EasyBoot, UltraISO, SoftDisc)
Software with deeply discounted upgrades (not many of these anymore)
Software with considerable value-added between versions (Directory Opus, and only a couple others)
Hardware related software, drivers, etc.
For me its both a function of time and money. If I installed all of my licensed software at once, it would only take 30 hours! And the money to upgrade each year would be unaffordable.
I have an idea .
I think I may know what is causing this, but I don't fully understand it.
I also could be wrong.
I remember something similar to this happening on my Win98 machine with the Sonique player.
This was before I ever knew Directory Opus existed.
Soon after I built the system I remember that Sonique would change my icons for music files every time I restarted the computer.
Sonique has a program that runs at startup.
If I remember correctly, disabling that didn't help much either.
Every time I used Sonique my music icons would change to the ugly Sonique icons.
I don't remember what the file associations were,
but I do remember that I changed the icons in win98 Explorer and Sonique kept screwing things up.
Well, I still have a long neglected entry in my autoexec.bat related to that.
I had fixed the problem by adding
to my autoexec.bat .
I'm not certain why, but this entry has no effect at all anymore.
Both in DOpus and in win98 explorer all is normal with this old line in the autoexec.bat removed.
Perhaps I fixed the problem at some point in time, or maybe ( Jon will like this ) DOpus fixed the problem !
So, why not try adding
REGEDIT /D HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\NeroShowTime.Files.mp3\DefaultIcon
to autoexec.bat through MSconfig.exe ?
I do remember it really did work long ago with Sonique.