Idea: fixed name column while rest is sideways scrollable


it would be a very nice new feature, if the first column (name or any other type, dragged to the first position) could be locked, while the mouse wheel/scroll bar would cycle through the other columns, so in case they are not visible due to layout, they could be scrolled in sight without affecting the position of the fixed column.

That could be useful I guess. What do you think should happen if the name column uses up all or most of the space? Revert back to normal scrolling if the name takes up more than 60% or something?

Also, the recently added feature Set VIEW=Display is a 'different' way to be able to make sure you're looking at the intended files other column data...

Still though, this suggestion is nifty and would be similar for the file display as Excel let's you freeze panes etc.

I think Steje pasted the wrong command there and probably meant to say set FULLROWSELECT=Display,On or something similar.

Woopsy... right you are.

This is a good question, but since there is an action meaning to trigger the side scrolling (for example a tilt wheel), the lister should be aware of that aim.
Since most changes, unless saved in the layout, will be lost anyway, why not "autosize" the columns for that session, making at least three columns fully observable?

This functionality has been re-requested. Are there any chances, it will be implemented?