IgnoreContextHandlers automatically?

I had a problem recently with a program that I've been testing that suddenly its right-click menu didn't show up anymore. Of course I thought it was that program. What was weird was that it worked in Windows Explorer but not in DO. After some digging around, I found the info in here about

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\IgnoreContextHandlers

I don't recall ever adding the program's CLSID in to the registry. Does DO sometimes automatically add items to this registry entry?

Yes a context menu handler is added automatically if it causes (and Opus traps) an exception. Feel free to remove it from the list and try again - if you can work out how, when and why it crashes we can look into the issue.

Thanks for the reply. That clears things up. That program was having problems with its shell integration so that must be when Opus put it in the registry. I don't recall a message or anything from Opus that it had done this so I was sure that when that problem was fixed in the other program but I still wasn't seeing the menu that it must be that program's fault. Being notified from Opus would have helped.