Based on the dump, it appears that the problem may be caused by TeamViewer (tv_x64.dll) which looks like it is interfering with the progress dialog and probably causing a cross-thread deadlock.
The dump only has enough information to make an educated guess, so this may not be correct, but it looks likely, and I can't see anything else that looks amiss within the dump.
I'd recommend updating, disabling or temporarily uninstalling TeamViewer (in that order; rebooting after any change) to see if it helps and to confirm whether my theory is correct.
If the problem still happens with TeamViewer uninstalled then it was not involved, and another dump file in that state may be useful as it may reveal something else that wasn't visible with the TeamViewer components still active. (e.g. It is possible something else is creating a problem which TeamViewer than runs into, rather then TeamViewer causing the problem itself).