Is it possible to use an image to customize the appearance of a button control in a custom dialog? I don't see a suitable property in the designer for the dialog, but maybe it's supported in the resources XML or the backing script?
property. (docs)
Thanks for your reply. I should have pointed out in my original message that I had tried using Control.image, but I kept getting "Object doesn't support this property or method", so I thought I was on the wrong track.
My button definition looks like this:
<control height="10" name="btnOneStar" type="button" title="1" width="13" x="238" y="66" />
And my script code looks like this:
Button = 1
Error at line 12, position 2
Object doesn't support this property or method (0x800a01b6)
Am I missing something?
Make sure you're on the latest beta, as being able to do this was only added recently.
Bingo! Upgrading to Beta fixed it. Thanks again.
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