I have the option File Operations->Options->"Deselect files used in functions" switched off yet every time I use an Image function like Image ROTATE, the file(s) deselect.
"Select RESELECT" doesn't do anything in this case either.
An easy way to replicate this is to use the Standard Opus Image Toolbar, eg Rotate Left, Right. These toolbar functions also use the "@nodeselect" parameter, which shouldn't matter in any case since the above Prefs option is deactivated.
Are other people able to replicate this behaviour?
The issue may be that the files are being re-created, however because the same filenames are used, they should still remain selected.
You've guessed right, it's because the files are being overwritten (which actually means they are being deleted and then re-created.) There's no persistence of selection in this case.
I suppose in my case the re-created file contains the same filename but obviously that would not always be the case, as the Image convert function can change the name in other cases.
Would it be possible for the function to set the status of the new output file as selected? So the original file is removed and then the new one is created and internally this new file is set to selected.