Image Resize

Image Conversion:
A resize by percentage would be a fine addition.

I regularly half large non-standard images and an option to go 50% and 25% would save reaching for a calculator.


+1 :slight_smile:

HOW TO: Ensure your issues get appropriate attention

Hi Tanis.

I think I did go through the official channels a while back. Wasn't 100% sure though so thought I'd post here and see what everybody else thought.
If I remember I received a nice reply saying they'd keep the idea in mind and perhaps add it in the future.


Wasn't suggesting you shouldn't post here - it's simply that people often post here assuming it's the official way to make requests - hence the FAQ.


I've emailed OPUS support with the suggestion... Just in case I forgot to on the previous occasion.
Crossing my fingers for a result. :slight_smile: