When I have the Image Viewer window open and am saving (in a third party program) a new image in the same folder I'm looking at in the Image Viewer, that new image does not appear in the Image Viewer when scrolling through all images. Same for just pasting a image from another folder.
Even worse, the Save as.. option in the Image Viewer itself does not display the saved image.
I expect to see the saved image in the Image Viewer so I can continue to work with that saved image.
Or at least I want that the image to appear after some scrolling but as mentioned at the beginning that doesn't happen.
Is there an option I can set to do an automatic refresh?
Indeed. It makes a list when you open the viewer, but then doesn't update that list until you restart the viewer.
That's by design. The viewer takes a snapshot of the files there when it opens.
(In particular, if you open it with multiple selected files, only those selected files will be in the list; otherwise the list is generated from the other files in the same window or same folder, but the mechanism still works the same: it's a static list.)
There isn't a way to change it at the moment, at least.
A user in the german forum asked the same some time ago, we came up with a button like this.
If put on the image viewer toolbar (or using hotkey) it refreshes the current list of images by running the viewer again. It does so using the currently viewed image, so it looks like nothing happenes (viewer does not close), but the list of images is different indeed.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="icon" hotkey="f5" label_pos="right" textcol="none">
<tip>Refresh list of images</tip>
<function type="script">
<instruction>@script JScript</instruction>
<instruction>function OnClick(data){</instruction>
<instruction> var f = data.func, cmd = f.command, curItem = f.viewer.current;</instruction>
<instruction> var isFull = cmd.IsSet('Show','VIEWERCMD=fullscreen');</instruction>
<instruction> //cmd.RunCommand('Select DESELECTNOMATCH EXACT MAKEVISIBLE "'+curItem.name+'"');</instruction>
<instruction> //cmd.RunCommand('Show VIEWERCMD=close');</instruction>
<instruction> cmd.RunCommand('Show AUTOFILELIST LISTSIBLINGS FILE "'+curItem.realpath+'"' + (isFull ? ' FULLSCREEN' : ''));</instruction>
Works great. A manual refresh is better than closing and reopening the viewer. Thanks.