Images of E-Mails?


I drag and drop my E-Mails I want to save from Outlook 2010 to a local folder. Filepreview with Directory Opus works great even with those .msg-files.

But: The images in between those .msg-files are gone.

What can I do to save and see them in file preview too?

Thanks for help, cheers

Does the preview in Windows Explorer look the same?

The .msg file viewer comes from Windows or Outlook rather than Opus itself, so we don't have much control over it. (There are alternative viewers like QuickView Plus which will work in Opus and can display .msg files, although I do not know if it will do a better job with the images within them.)

Wohoo, that was an fast answer, thanks!

And yes, preview in explorer loks the same - no images.

But I want to have the images. What to do?
Any ideas?


[quote="ElkeFleing"]But I want to have the images. What to do?
Any ideas?[/quote]
You could print the email to PDF instead. Something like CuteWriter or PDFCreator would do the trick.

Regards, AB


thanks for your idea printing a pdf of the mail - but it wouldn't work since I have thousands of E-mails to save...


Have you tried QuickView Plus?


now I tried Quick View Plus: No images in preview :frowning:

A while ago I archived my e-mail with -in ths application the images were taken and I could see them. But this app is not good for searching or as a file manager.

But that shows me, it must be possible to copy the images in an e-mail too.

It's only that preview issue - if I doubleclick to a mail in my new - not outlook-) folder to open it all images are there.

Hmmmm. Could it be something in the preferences like 'don't show images in the privew of e-mails'?


Maybe in the Preferences of whatever is generating the preview.