Import context menu items into Opus Context menu?

I have enabled a handful of context menu entries via Winaero Tweaker such as "Take Ownership" but none of them carry over to Opus. Is it possible to enable these context menu entries into Opus or would I have to recreate them? If I have to recreate them, how could I recreate the "Take Ownership" context menu entry into Opus?

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I don't know what Winaero Tweaker does, but there are a few threads about how to add a Take Ownership command to Opus's context menus if it's adding it in a way that doesn't appear automatically in Opus:

Thank you for that, that does help with that specific context menu entry however I have several others I would like to utilize. Is it possible to not use the Opus context menu and use the windows context menu instead?

No, but almost all context menus work in Opus automatically, assuming they work outside of Explorer.exe at all.

For example, if they appear in the right-click menu of Notepad's File Open dialog, they should appear in Opus too. That covers almost all context menus.