Please consider improving the status bar customization in these ways:
- Add icons for drive, free, used and total
- Add ability to set custom tooltips
My Current Status bar definition:
{i:dir} {sd} / {td}
{i:file} {sf} / {tf}
{h!} <#FF0000><b>{hi} hidden</b></#> {h!}
{h!} <#008800><b>{hse}</b></#> {h!}
{sba} / {tba}
{h!} {ls} {h!}
{dlab} ({dlet}){h!} [{fsys}] {bg+w=50,f=2,g=3,t=n,c1=#68f040,c2=#f06840}{h!}
{du} used ({pu}%)
{df} free ({pf}%)
{dt} total
You can already add any icons you want using the {i:…}
What kind of things do you want to display in custom tooltips?
But only disk, file and txt. How to add other and where do they come from?
You can add any icon or png file. It’s in the manual’s Status Bar Codes section.
For tooltips, for me I'd like for this section:
{du} used ({pu}%)
{df} free ({pf}%)
{dt} total
To have icons for used, free and total and to have tooltips with the data.
e.g. used (62%)
in the tooltip hover for the icon.
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