In Version 13 I have to enable manual sorting for each individual folder

I use manual sorting to sort images throughout hundreds of folders every week. In version 12 I used to be able to enable manual sorting once, and then it was active throughout all folders in the window that I enabled manual sorting in.

In version 13, this is not the case. Now I have to enable manual sorting for every single individual folder instead. Is there a way to change this in the settings, or any other potential work arounds?

Thank you.

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Another problem, when I go back to a folder I enabled manual sorting in, it's turned off again. Which is a little problematic for me because I run a script that goes through and renames all the files in all the folders, and it is critical they all have manual sorting enabled.

It sounds like the folder format matching those folders doesn’t have it turned on.

Do you want it enabled everywhere all the time, or just in/below certain places?

I would like it enabled all the time for a specific folder tree if possible.

Go to the top of the tree and enable manual sort, then use Folder > Folder Format (or "Folder Options" on older toolbars). From there, click Save and save it for the folder and sub-folders.

That should fix the top-level and most things below it.

It's possible that some of the folders below it have formats saved for them which override the top-level. If so, check under Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats and edit (or remove) those formats as needed.

Below that Preferences page is also Automatic Formats which save similar changes automatically. You might want to prune or clear those to stop them getting in the way as well. (Or turn off automatic formats entirely, if you don't want changes to individual folders be saved automatically like that.)

(FWIW, Opus 12 should have worked in the same way, except it didn't have Automatic Formats at all. It's possible those are the reason for the change, and turning them off may be all that's needed.)