Inconsistent naming of some external HDDs

Hi, leo
Thanks for replying and...


What happens if you fully exit Opus and then re-launch it? Does the tree get the correct labels then?[/quote]

That fixes it!
If I start with the "bad" names in the left pane and:

  1. Close DOpus
    2, Open DOpus
    that action corrects the "bad" names.
  2. If I reboot (with DOpus initiated at startup), the "good" names are remembered and displayed in the left pane.

Note: That success was achieved by just following your instruction - ie. without needing to rename the drives in Properties again.
(but, of course, I can't say if it would have corrected the problem if I hadn't done that original Properties edit.)

After exiting DOpus fixed the problem (I can see the logic of doing that now but it never occurred to me when I had the problem), I :
- turned off the setting [i]Native display of 'Computer'

  • Exited DOpus
  • Started Dopus
  • Names are still "good".
    - turned Native display of 'Computer' back on
  • Exited DOpus
  • Started Dopus
  • Names are still "good".

So it looks as if it's got the message now.

Thanks a lot, leo.
You always have every synapse firing and give the fix straight away.
