Incorrect Folder Duplication Issue in Dopus

I am experiencing a strange issue in Dopus when I try to copy or move a folder. After cutting or copying any file, regardless of which folder I navigate to, when I paste, it creates a duplicate of a different folder instead of pasting the file I originally cut or copied. This problem didn't exist before, and I might have inadvertently changed a setting, but I cannot figure out which setting it could be. Does anyone have any ideas or solutions for this issue?

What are the paths involved?

Does the same happen in File Explorer?

Are the copied folder contents correct and just the folder name is wrong, or both?

Thanks for the quick reply. I thought I could explain it better with a video. I uploaded a video about this problem I mentioned.

In reply
1- Any path (the path does not matter)
2- This error does not happen in file explorer
3- It's not an error with the file name, it's directly related to incorrect copying

Following the video is not that easy since it involves the use of keyboard shortcuts.
And that might be a place to start : could you check Settings/Customize/Keyboard Shortcuts what command is/are assigned to the different shortcuts you're using (you can use the searchbox at the bottom left to see what are the commands associated).
Then you can check if there are any conflicts, and also by double clicking the results of the search to see what are the commands that are executed.

From what I see in the video, it looks like that when you copy files from a folder, what is being copied is the parent folder which could happen in a customized "copy" command (used by the shortcut) or also in a customized "paste" command. Only exception to this seems to be at around 1:29 where it seems to actually copy the file (1.4.1 to folder 1.2).
Since when you seem to copy from file explorer and paste in Opus, it seems to work, I would lean on a modified "copy" action.

If you could share (screenshot) the results of the search and the code of the matching commands for the shortcuts you use, it might help.

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It certainly looks like it. I've already checked to see if I've accidentally added a button, but as far as I can tell there is no such thing.
If you can tell me where I should look, I'll look there too.

I haven't created a personalized copy button, but it's acting as if I have.

I slowed down the video by 0.75X and added some explanations to make it understandable.

At 1:29 I annotated the video for what you are talking about.
If I stay still on the panel I copied, the copy is successful. But if I go to the top/bottom folder or switch to another folder in the copied panel, the copy is duplicated.

You can send screenshots of the Settings/Customize/Keyboard Shortcuts filtered with the shortcuts you're using, and also screenshots of the associated commands code (that you get from double click in the list of the commands).

I am not sure if these are the screenshots you are referring to, but please warn me if they are different


These are the screenshots.
Unfortunately, everything looks fine to me.

It could be a script acting on the clipboard : do you have any scripts installed ? (Settings/Scripts will display all the installed scripts). If any, you might need to look for anything that acts on the clipboard (you can case insensitive search for clipboard in the files) and/or that acts on events such as OnClipboardChange, OnBeforeFolderChange, OnAfterFolderChange.

One other thing, since not changing the folder on the source seems to make a difference : how do you change the folder ? Do you use "double click in the background" ? If so, a screenshot of the Settings/File Displays/Background Events could be interesting.

Everything seems normal here. I'm really going crazy :smiley: This has been happening for the last few months and there was no problem before. I've searched a lot to figure out what's causing it but everything looks normal.

I'm starting to run out of ideas :frowning:
Since it looks like something is messing up with your clipboard, to be sure, you could install that little script :
DetectClipboardChanges.opusscriptinstall (868 Bytes)

It's doing only one thing : it outputs to console everytime the clipboard changes.
Code :

// DetectClipboardChanges
// (c) 2024 Stephane

// This is a script for Directory Opus.
// See for development information.

// Called by Directory Opus to initialize the script
function OnInit(initData)
{ = "DetectClipboardChanges";
	initData.version = "1.0";
	initData.copyright = "(c) 2024 Stephane";
//	initData.url = "";
	initData.desc = "";
	initData.default_enable = true;
	initData.min_version = "13.0";


// Called when the clipboard contents have changed
function OnClipboardChange(clipboardChangeData)
	var msg = "** Clipboard has changed (#" + clipboardChangeData.count +")";
	if (clipboardChangeData.has_files)
		msg += " : it is containing files";

That way, we'll be able to see if something happens when you change the folder you're in ...
Obviously it should output when pressing Ctrl+C but not when changing folder.

If the folder you’re in is cut or copied when you push Ctrl-C or Ctrl-X, that’d normally only happen if the folder tree has focus when you push the key.

I appreciate you trying to find a solution. Thanks whether it works or not.

This script you shared does not give any output. Did I have to do anything other than install it normally? I just installed it and that's it.

It doesn't seem to be working. It doesn't give any notification/output.

only happen if the folder tree has focus when you push the key.

Where can I find this key focus you're talking about? I'll check what's there.

Just indstall then open the console for scripts output (should open below the panes).

The last panel you clicked on (or moved to with the tab key) will normally have focus. It will also normally show an outline around the selected folder, in the case of the tree, or show the selection in a different color, although those cues can be changed or turned off as well.

Everything you mentioned is in the default setting. When I select any panel, the focus is on it and the color changes. That's where the focus is active when I'm copying.

This script has been a good indicator. I can see the changes in the output, but I still have no idea how it happens.

The script you shared showed that this happens when I perform a double click action in any situation. When I double click on a folder to enter it, double click to open a file, or double click on the background to go to the parent folder, the clipboard changes.

The only ways I can think of that double-click would affect the clipboard:

  1. A script add-in handling events like OnBeforeFolderChange or OnAfterFolderChange or something else that's triggered when changing folders.

  2. Or, modifying the double-click event for All Folders (or for All Files And Folders) in Settings > File Types.

I received a warning that I have reached my limit of 16 messages per day, so I have to edit a message and write this reply, for which I apologize.

I think I solved the problem.

I downloaded the app and I could see the copied text, files, folders, whatever.
When I looked into it, I realized that something other than Dopus was interfering with my clipboard.
I have the Sider artificial intelligence plugin on my computer. Its job is to facilitate my GPT queries by transferring selected texts to the plugin.
I think that this plugin is somehow taking the paths of the files to the clipboard as text in addition to the selected texts. I've disabled that plugin for now on the Windows screen and it seems to be fine now.

I will follow up for a few days, if the problem persists in any way, I will write again.

Thanks to everyone.

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EDIT: Correction as I forgot to quote Leo's message.

You can watch my mouse clicks in the video.
Single click Single red ring
Double click Double red ring

  1. A script add-in handling events like OnBeforeFolderChange or OnAfterFolderChange or something else that's triggered when changing folders.

If this is a personal script you are talking about, I gave all of my scripts as screenshots in my message above. If it is a different place, I can look there.

  1. Or, modifying the double-click event for All Folders (or for All Files And Folders) in Settings > File Types.

In the video I've made a screenshot of this part, no special events are visible (I didn't add any).
What I notice is that even in settings, my clipboard changes on double click.