Increasing the speed of launching/opening directory opus

Is there a way to make Directory Opus launch as quickly as File Explorer? It typically takes 2-4 seconds to start up. I would greatly appreciate any solutions or tricks to improve its launch speed.

Explorer opens quickly because it’s already running in the background, started when Windows boots. Opus has an option to do the same.

Edit, back at my PC: Preferences / Launching Opus / Startup

I thought this option only made dopus open after Windows startup, I didn't know that if this option is disabled, dopus will no longer run in the background.
I did this and now the speed is better, but it still takes 2 seconds while File Explorer takes 1 second or less.
If you know any tricks, please teach me too, thanks.

It can depend on a lot of things. Lots of external icons on toolbars (especially in exe files that virus scanners check even if just loading the icon), or lots of icon sets (they are more efficient, but still have to be loaded into memory). Lots of large File Collections. Folder tabs pointing to network drives (especially just after boot, or if the drives don't always exist on the network). Large background images. Antivirus scanning things in general. Script add-ins (although most are unlikely to be an issue). Shell extensions can also cause problems sometimes (but would usually affect Explorer as well, at least if going to the same folders in both).

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