Info Tip Thumbnail's Size

Are there any ways to set the Thumbnail size for Info Tips to be independent of the Thumbnails settings in Options? I would like to have the Thumbnails size by Default be 128x128 when I switch from Details mode to Thumbnails mode or other modes but when I want to see Thumbnails in Info Tips, I would like it to be at least 192x192 or bigger.

If there isn't, perhaps you could add this feature into Info Tips? Like {thumbnail:1 192} to show thumbnails with default frame at size 192x192.


So anyone else who likes this idea?

We'll add a way to do this in the next update.

Sweet! Just saw the newest Beta with this feature in! Thanks! Going to test it soon :smiley:

Uhh I think I maybe doing something wrong.




Nothing changes between them. Although not shown here, if I don't specify the size or something small like 128, the thumbnails do show up small compared to what is currently shown in the screenshots. So the new feature did do something. Although I still haven't checked at small sizes whether it the thumbnails do change (like testing at 128, 150, 192, etc).

The size is limited by the value specified for Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: max_thumbnail_size.

Ah! Sweet! Thanks!

Perhaps this is something that should benefit from a quick mention in the help file for the Info Tip subject? Thanks!


Why it doesn't work for video files ?

Did you increase max_thumbnail_size as well?

(It's also possible that the thumbnail provider involved will not generate thumbnails that large for video files.)


it works but not independent of the Thumbnails settings in Options

and is it possible to change background?

Which version of Opus are you using?


so ?
updated to 12.10.1
nothing changed

It's also possible that the thumbnail provider involved will not generate thumbnails that large for video files.

Please link your account if you want us to look in more detail.