Inline rename not working in

I just upgraded from Opus to

To my dismay, inline-renaming has stopped working again in detail mode.

This didn't work in, but was fixed it in Now has gone back to square one.

I'm using a DEL Inspirion 6000 laptop and the inbuilt mouse pad. Adjusting the double-click sensitivity made no difference.

Anyone else had this problem? I've sent a bug report to Technical Support.

Are you clicking the label or the icon to start the rename? now only starts a rename when the label is clicked as a couple of people pointed out that this is how Explorer works and the difference caused them problems.

Thanks for replying. No I don't click the icons. By "label" do you mean the filename?

Can I be clear that I'm refering to the file list pane, in Detail View, under the Explorer layout.

Please note I do not use double-click. I prefer a browser style of working. When I single-click on a file's Name, I do not expexct in-line renaming to be activated, I expect the file's default action to happen, and that's exactly what does.

To activate inline-renaming n DOpus 8.x.x.x.x and in, I just had to click on any column to the right of the "Name" column. But that doesn't work in The only way I can inline rename, is to right-mouse click on the file, then look down the shortcut menu for the Rename command, which gets rather tedious.

Ah, single-click mode. :slight_smile: Always worth mentioning that you're using that if a problem involves the mouse buttons.

I can't see a way to enter inline rename mode with the mouse when in single-click mode but this seems consistent with Explorer (at least on Vista) where it doesn't matter what you click on, you never get into inline rename mode and the only way seem to be via F2.

I'm not an expert on single-click mode (in Opus or in Explorer), though, so maybe there is a way to do it in either or both programs.

I hear what you say, but it doesn't expalin why it worked fine in the way I have described, in DOpus and in 8.x.x.x.

I do not support the argument that DOpus should be consistent with Windows Explorer. Isn't the whole point of DOPus that it is supposed to have better features, give you more power etc. ? Otherwise what is the point in buying it? Removing features to make it more consistent with Explorer is a major step backwards. If some people prefer Windows Explorer behaviour, then Dopus should have an option to enable that; not simply force this behaviour on all its users.

Re Single-clicking, it is wierd that by default you have to double click in Windows Explorer, but single click in Internet Explorer. I have heard that Mac users, (I'm not one of them), laugh at this GUI dicotomy.

I use single click mode, because 1) I prefer to work in a consistent manner, and 2) Windows Explorer has supported single-clicking for many years, (if you enable it).

Thanks for the F2 tip, which is a useful workaround until this bug is fixed.


I also use single click mode, but, for whatever it's worth, I can not see that clicking a column to the right of Name causes inline rename to be entered. I don't know what this means. It may mean that I have some other preference set that causes me to see different behavior than John and/or that John now accidentally has some other preference set that is preventing his expected behavior.

At any rate, to me, there is, in this context, no obvious difference in behavior between and .

I didn't mean that it should always be; only where there's no reason not to be.

I agree, being able to inline rename even in single-click mode seems like a useful thing. Wasn't trying to say that it isn't; just trying to explain the probable reason why it changed in the last release. In all likelihood it wasn't removed on purpose.

Not sure why Mac users would say that. I am told by friends with OS X that you double-click in Finder and single-click in Safari, just like the default settings in Windows.

Leaving aside historical reasons (double-clicking in file managers came years before web browsers) I think the are good reasons for the mouse buttons to work differently in the two types of programs. In a file manager you are just as likely to select an item as you are to launch it. I find selecting items in single-click mode by hovering over them to be error prone and irritating, but maybe that's just me. In a web browser you rarely select things and very often launch things. So both things make sense in their particular places. I don't see any reason to make them the same but equally I don't see any reason to stop people who feel differently from having that option. If everyone's happy then that's great.

I'm guessing you wouldn't make your web browser require double-clicks. :slight_smile: