Installed size of Dopus > 6GB

I just upgraded from v11 to v12 and noticed in passing that the installed size of Dopus (Control Panel/Programs/Programs and Features) is 6.67 GB. This seems very strange to me. Is there a problem? Should I uninstall/reinstall?

I'm using Windows 10.

Check for any too large log file on the installation directory.

C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus returns a size of 96MB. Is that the installation directory you meant?

The way the Windows uninstall control panel calculates sizes is sometimes incorrect.

Unless any of the folders these aliases take you to are huge, I would ignore it:

  • /home usually C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus
  • /dopusdata usually C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus
  • /dopuslocaldata usually C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\GPSoftware\Directory Opus
  • /dopusglobaldata usually C:\ProgramData\GPSoftware\Directory Opus

If any of those folders are huge, that's unusual. Have a look at what is in them and where the space is taken up.

Thanks for the suggestions. None of the folders you suggested was more than 95 MB, so the 6GB remains a mystery.