Internet access in DO

At work, when i open IE, i have a window to enter user and password to have internet access (capture).

Now if i use Imageshack image uploader, flickr synchronisation or open FTP serveur with DO, connection failed.

it's not possible to show the connection window (user and password) ?

You can set the HTTP Proxy username and password under Preferences - Miscellaneous - Internet Settings.

Thanks but...
which server and port I need to use? I try but don't work... :cry:

Look it up in IE rather than Maxathon, it should be explicit there unless an autoconfig script is being used.

If I had to guess from the Maxathon screenshot I'd say the Remote host and port.

I try with IE and it's the same host and port (Maxthon is a browse but don't work anymore :cry:

somebody can help me to find my proxy server and port :question:

I'd say you have found it already. Maybe the ImageShack upload doesn't use the proxy settings or something.