Is it possible to change Dopus' icon?

I would prefer to use the File Explorer icon instead as I have decades of muscle memory associated with that icon.

Opus ships with some different and more classic icons:

  1. Right-click "Directory Opus" in the taskbar;
  2. Right-click "Directory Opus";
  3. Select "Properties";
  4. "Change Icon...".

If you wish to change it to anything else, follow the steps in this topic:


You can turn on Preferences / File Displays / Title Bar / Current folder's icon to use a folder icon for Lister windows rather than the Opus icon.

This didn't work when I right clicked on the taskbar, perhaps because I'm on Windows 11, however, it did work by navigating to "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\GPSoftware\Directory Opus".

Then, I right clicked, clicked "Properties", clicked "Change Icon..." and used "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" to get the File Explorer icon.

Is there an option to get the icon with "Corona" back for the Directory Opus symbol on the desktop?

You've just started dating a supermodel — why would you want her to look like your useless ex?


Follow the instructions I shared above but instead of using explorer.exe, you can leave it as dopus.exe (or whatever it's named) and you'll find that icon there along with other older icons.

Already tried this with simple right click on the desktop symbol, but couldn't find it there. Same with your path:


Other suggestion?

Hm, looks like they’re missing. However, you can also use any .ico file as an icon as well as taking icons from .exes.

@Leo Do you have an ico of the old logo you can share?

Maybe you could also use an old exe if you can find one online.

Finally, it’s possible to extract icons from exes so if you’re not able to get an icon online or from Leo, I can try extracting one for you :slight_smile:

What is the problem to provide a simple option to choose the previous icon?
I found that one (with corona) better, and it is still used in other places, like this forum or the About dialog box in Opus, so there does not seem to be that big of a problem.

The previous version of the icon used to be there. Maybe it accidentially got removed when 13 came out. I haven't noticed it being gone since I started using Pro's version he made. Thanks Pro for sharing your artwork.

Thank you very much for the suggestion, I have still Opus 12 running on a Windows 7 machine because it is a 32-bit system and can't be upgraded to 13.

I was now able to restore the previous icon there as I like it:


I wonder what would happen after an update if this option would be in Opus 13?
Is the setting kept or would one have to reset it manually each time after an update?

Please restore this option in Opus 13.
I am not Corona's Witness and I feel discriminated. :wink:

It's still around...

... and the .ico can be extracted with IconsExtract. (82.1 KB)

But that Select Icon dialog seems not directly related to the selection of the desktop symbol.

The matter remains mysterious to me.

The assumption that "it accidentally got removed when 13 came out" seems questionable, and it seems more likely to be a strike of Corona's Witnesses. :wink:

The latter assumption would be confirmed if we don't see the option restored in 13 in a similar simple way as it is in 12.

It wasn't accidentally removed. The spikes were removed from the main icon (except for the 256x256 size) on purpose, as they would appear and disappear depending on the screen's DPI, due to Windows choosing different icon sizes at different DPIs, which is unwanted.

Unused icons were also removed from the exe to reduce the file size, but get redirected to suitable replacements within Opus itself (to avoid breaking labels that might have been using them).

The zip I attached above has an icon with the spikes on all sizes except 16x16.

Hello Leo

Thanks anyway.
I'm just a skilled conspiracist. :smiley:

many thanks, looks awesome even at 4K native :slight_smile: