Is it possible to control what command processor CLI DOSPROMPT runs?

This is basically the question I'm pondering about..

I've tried changing the ComSpec (the proper way to obtain the commandprocessor) environment variable locally and globally without anything changing..

I'm trying to get it to run 4NT (an alternative commercial command processor, compatible with the normal one) instead of the normal cmd, as this is much more powerful tool. It the same for the command prompt as DO is for Explorer.

Do DO use a static path, or are there some other way to get it to use the preferred command processor?

I have nothing against creating my own commands, but in my opinion this one really should follow what the rest of the system is configured for.

If it uses a static path then it really should be changed to use the ComSpec environment variable (it has no consequence for those who doesn't use an alternative command processor) if valid.

Same question goes for everything which runs the command processor in DO.

Currently it's hard coded to cmd.exe, but I didn't know about the %ComSpec% variable - it makes sense for Opus to use this. We'll look at changing this in the future. In the mean time you can easily set up your own function to launch whatever command line you like.

Nice :slight_smile:

I guess you probably did know it from before.. It seems MS-Dos batch mode uses it.
I tried to run such a button and guess what.. It ran the batch in 4NT when comspec was changed, and could do what 4nt does.

The ComSpec variable is rather ancient, but still does what it always has done..provide the location to the command processor to assorted programs..
This variable can be changed by users to allow for 4NT (by JP Software) and others to replace the normal command processor with a compatible one.

The execution of anything in MS-Dos batch mode is probably just being passed to the shell, which is then executing the registered ComSpec...

And yeah... it IS ancient, but definitely a 'why change what works thing'.