Is possible to set Right Ctrl or Shift + Enter as a hotkey?

i can't seem to set Ctrl + Enter as a hotkey to bring up the file Properties window. Such as its pre-set in everything. I think the dopus default was Alt + Enter.

every time I try to set that combo or Shift + Enter, with or without Ctrl, it just closes the customize window on me

I've turned off autohotey, powertoys, etc thinking it was being intercepted somewhere but it's the same.

it is not possible use this key combo in dopus??

Use the dropdown menu to select special keys like Enter:

I tried that. It still won't see the input for the Control key, so it end ends up being just enter.

Holding Ctrl while selecting from the menu works, I think. (Not at a PC to double-check right now.)

I found the culprit, Listary has some aggressive key hooks in it!!! I removed this key from listary and was able to set that key in dopus.

side note about listary. ... I use Ctrl + D just about every where I can as a shortcut to bring me the active file\folder in dopus, I set it in the software if possible, or with autohotkey if I have too.

listary does well to bring me from File Explorer to Dopus so I have it set here. BUT i have to be careful to exclude its hotkeys in some programs because it get in the way of that key working at times.

Ctrl +Enter is already in use here. In Windows File Explorer it either opens the file or launches a new window of the contents of the folder.

In Directory Opus it opens the file Windows file properties dialog or opens the contents of a folder in the destination lister.

Edit: Shift + Enter opens the contents of the selected folder in the same file explorer window using Windows file Explorer. It opens files.
In Directory Opus the Go Quickfilter is launched for both files and folders.

No, I don't know why these key combinations do this other than that in Directory Opus the key combination of Shift + Enter is listed in customize as Path Entry.

I remapped many of the default keys, and never use file explorer. its been 10+ years sense I've use FE. I set the keys in listary to get me out of file explorer as fast as possible. Lol. so its overrides them a windows level as well.

I have that Ctrl + D set up inside of everything to bring me to dopus; and listary was still grabbing it, effectively canceling it. From within listarty I had to un-tick the use listary hotkes for each app its gets in the way of.