Is the "unhide" function broken?

The hide feature is as great as many times troublesome, too. For some unclear reason my old function
set globalhidehidden=toggle globalhidefilter=toggle

will not unhide hidden items anymore, it´s also not possible to unhide them by changing the settings in the preferences.
I actually have to open up old Explorer, then untick the "hidden" attribute box in the properties. I am using the
command SetAttr TOGGLEATTR=h to hide things.

Please, give us a new powerful "radically unhide everything" command, that really unhides absolutely
everything hidden in a folder. Because even back when that button still worked, sometimes still a red number
remained in the status bar. :wink:

Maybe in some cases the items are being hidden by something other than the Hidden-attribute filter, or your folder format is set to hide files with the Hidden attribute in addition to the global option (which would not be the default but may be something that you have set up)?

There is a "radically unhide everything" option, and has been since Opus 10 shipped over a year ago. It's in the default toolbars which you aren't using. :slight_smile:

Ok, this is a possibility i haven´t thought of yet, even though i´m usually don´t hide things in the folder options. I will check that anyway, thanks.

Cool, i will make a backup & for once have a look in those default toolbar, which i´m sure are very good. Only that i´m already so used to my own setup, that i
normally skip the defaults & restore my own settings whenever i install a new Opus.

Yes, you were right, once again. For some unclear reason that specific folder had the "h" filter activated, maybe i just misclicked that option.
From the default toolbars i now use those new unhide commands Set HIDESYSTEMFILES=Toggle INVERT GLOBALHIDEHIDDEN=Toggle INVERT,
which seem to make a perfect job now, thanks. I think, i´m going to make a hotkey to toggle all three default toolbars at once, in case i need them.
They are indeed quite useful, although i have most stuff already in my drop down menues. :thumbsup: