Is there a Commands Manual?

In my help menu I have an entry for Commands Manual, which may be a left-over item from version 8 (I know from another thread that such is the case for the old Reference Manual listing).

Is there still a manual for Dopus commands, and if so can you provide a download link?


Yes. It's installed with the program. Why don't you just install the latest version then? By all means modify the toolbars but you must use the default version set of toolbars as a starters otherwise you will have incorrect functionality and such issues as you are asking about.

I have the latest version of Dopus installed. but kept my old custom settings.

How can I check out new menus and features without losing my customizations?

Can you provide a link to a thread that thoroughly describes updating options and how (if possible) to selectively add the some of the new menus in a new version? I can't find anything on that in the manual.

I have been stung badly when updating other applications that I have customized extensively, costing hours of work to get back to where I can work efficiently again. That just makes me very cautious about updates.


There's no real shortcut to the issue (or problem depending on your point of view). When a major new version comes out I'm afraid you must use the new default menus - then customise if you need. But, important, you should see what the new menus and toolbars etc do first rather than just discard them. Otherwise you simply miss many of the new features, plus, you can have old items which are no longer compatible. That's life. Otherwise the product would never evolve.

In fact, if you upgraded a normal registered version, we actually regenerated the menus for you, preserving your old ones in a sub-folder.

If you customise the default items for menus and toolbars then save them as different names so you can quickly get back to the real ones if you need.

I'd recommend that you rename your current buttons folder in /dopusdata to something else, then shutdown Opus fully from the tray icon menu and re-run. This will regenerate the correct new toolbar (inc menu) set.

Then you can re-customise as desired - using different toolbar names.
You could re-add the default menu items from Customise along with your current ones. For example, add a new HELP menu.

But if you still have old stuff from earlier versions then I wold suggest that you rename the default

Hmmm. I just searched by hard drive for the dopusdata folder (name cut & pasted from your message), but I don't have one.

I think I did a config backup in V-8 and then restored it into V-9 (but I upgraded long enough ago that I can't remember what I had done). Could that be why the dopusdata folder is missing?

Click in the path field, and type in /dopusdata. This will take you to where you want to go.

Still not finding it, Jon.

I just tried that in the path field of the Dopus find screen. I had been using the name field there. Neither finds the folder, searching my whole drive from the root on down (all subdirectories).

It's not a physical path, it's an alias to a real path.

Literally, click in the path field in an Opus Lister, and type in /dopusdata and press return.

[quote="Sitka"]In my help menu I have an entry for Commands Manual, which may be a left-over item from version 8 (I know from another thread that such is the case for the old Reference Manual listing).

Is there still a manual for Dopus commands, and if so can you provide a download link?

If, like me, you are a fan of PDF files – they are easier to index and search – get yourself a copy of the DOpus manual. (It is on the downloads page.) What you are looking for may be the appendix "Internal Commands Summary".

Unfortunately, the version of Acrobat used to make it took it into its head to make the PDF file impossible to bookmark.

Thanks, everyone. I have it all sorted out now. Just need to finish rebuilding my custom toolbar.