Is there a option to show the script log panel as a floating window?

I found a way to bring up the panel with:

Set UTILITY=ScriptLog,Toggle

But the panel is always docked to the current lister, I then have to click on the float button on the panel.

Interestingly enough I noticed the panels float button's tooltip says alt+f but attempting to use it focuses the menu bar. I tried to find the source of this hotkey in the "Customize..." window and could not find it.

Alt+F works, provided focus is on the log panel. If it's somewhere else, it'll open the File menu.

I don't think there is a command to float the panel as soon as it opens.

I set up a dedicated lister layout plus a hotkey that either opens it or sends it to the foreground.
No tree view, minimal menus and the actual file view as small as possible (its content is irrelavant):

Ymmv, obviously, but I'm quite happy with that.


...But there will be one in the next beta. :slight_smile:


@MartO Thats a pretty lister you got there there m8 :smiley:

@Leo thats great to hear. Cheers.

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Is there an option to float the find panel

No, only the Script Log and FTP Log.