Is there a way to consistently make GetSizes ignore junctions and symlinks?

I must be misunderstanding the logic behind the "Ignore junctions and softlinks when calculating folder sizes" option in folder preferences because GetSizes still calculates the size of junctions and symlinks even when I have that option checked. If I'm in a folder and select all, then deselect any junctions and symlinks then GetSizes works as I want/expect. Is there a way to do that by default?

The option makes it skip junctions and symlinks below the folders you can see in the current folder.

If one of the folders you can see is a junction/symlink itself, then its size will still be calculated (when in the folder directly above it), since otherwise no information would be shown for that entry at all.

That doesn't make much sense to me but I'm sure you had your reasons for doing it this way.

That is exactly how I would like it to work. Is there a way to make this happen?

I assume I can script a command to select one directory at a time and then run GetSizes unless a symlink or junction is selected, no? Is there a better way?

You could have a script that deselects symlinks and then runs getsizes on the rest of the selection all at once. That would be the most efficient way.

Alright, thanks. I've put together some fairly complex buttons but this'll be my first DOpus script. Should be a fun learning experience. :slight_smile: