Is there a way to create a theme that use windows accent color?


I use these programs on my computer:
Auto dark mode -> this one permits to automatically switch windows from day to dark mode
Accent color synchronizer -> this one sync the windows accent color with the main color of the desktop image

I wanted to know if Directory Opus will get, one day, the possibility to use accent color in his theme.
By example, I have seen that, now, Thunderbird can use that (--attention-dot-color, --color-accent-primary, --color-accent-primary-active, by example).

In fact, there is several parts of Directory Opus that can be adapted to use windows colors. But, if you try to use windows colors for borders, you get a blue and not the accented color.
I tried to remove any custom style in the windows colors, and I get all the time blue color... but not accent color.
Also there are parts that you HAVE to define colors in Opus and can’t use windows default ones (even if, as I said, this is not windows colors). There’s no option to use visual style for several parts. By example folder tabs.

At best this is what I get... I started from a custom theme and use the option "Use visual styles" every times I could.

By example, with a little work, my thunderbird has all colors (that I wanted) that change to accented one (unread messages, badges, selected message etc.)

With Opus 13, the team introduced light/dark mode. And this was so great! Could you envisage to push the customization on colors also?

It’s unlikely, since there isn’t just a single accent color to worry about, there are lots of slightly different ones blended with other colors. Making that automatically try to generate all the colors from a single system color would often result in generated color schemes that don’t work very well.

Windows itself doesn’t do this, either. The accent color only affects a few things, which apply to those things within Opus the same as within Windows itself.

But, if why not allowing us to use, as minimal feature, the accented color like in thunderbird.
Considering the talented team behind directory opus (and I can say it cause I use it for many years now), I don’t think it could be really difficult to add such option.
I modified a little my thunderbird via the chrome css. However, without that, a lot of things use by default accented colors. And for what I modified, I used the defined colors of thunderbird. The variables were already there.
I don’t ask something perfect, as I understand that you would have to adjust things. However, we can already have light and dark theme, so we can adjust what need it.

I also know that sometimes, a request is denied and that several years later the team implements it. Several years ago, I asked for light and dark themes with auto switch. And you provided me the same answer as I have just read.

I don’t ask it for the next month ;). Just that it is something that you could think about.
I guess that one day, windows will have dark/light auto switch natively and also accented colors athaqt will applied everywhere...

You can already change pretty much every color the program uses.

not wrong...
But nothing that follow the accent colors... and if I have to adapt accent colors every times my wallpaper change, it will be a full time work.

As I explained, trying to automatically generate so many colors from something that itself is chosen arbitrarily by the OS would be problematic, and isn’t something Windows does either.

The OS’s window frame color only affects the taskbar and a handful of other things in the OS, not things like the selection colors used in standard listviews and things like that (else they’d already do what you want), which can’t be changed at all in Windows but can be changed (independently) in Opus.

Okay, it may be because English is not my first language, so forgive me if I wasn’t explicit enough.

I never meant to suggest adding a color panel for everything.
What I suggested is having a way to let Opus use Windows colors if we want (i.e., the set of colors used by any Windows program without customization) and also allowing the use of the accent color. That’s all.

So, not a lot of colors—just extending what already exists in Opus (called "use visual style") to everything, with the option to use the accent color, possibly with an opacity setting.

In my mind, it’s just about adding one color.

What I notice is that Opus isn’t using the current Windows accent color but is instead relying on a hardcoded blue within the Opus program.

Corrected with ChatGPT, hoping it will be more understandable