Is there a way to NOT view .Mov files?

My iCloud Photo folder have picture files (.JPG, .PNG, .HEIC extensions). It also have Live photos (which is .MOV). I'd like to open this folder to show every extension EXCEPT .MOV. Is there a quick way to do so?

Yes, with a quickfilter:

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Or push * (i.e. Shift + 8) and then type the pattern ~*.mov for the same result without needing a command.

Thank you @lxp and @Leo . Both your suggestion requires me to do this every time I open the iCloud Photo folder. Ideally, I'd like this filter to automatically run every time I navigate into the folder.

You can do that via Folder > Folder Options (in the menus at the top), then set the Hide Filter to *.mov and save the format for that folder (and sub-folders if you wish).

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