I have a folder of 2500 gif's, about half of which I need in a seperate folder. I have a text list of the files i need. Is there a away I can select the gifs, from the list ? .. did that make sense ? lol
If its possible, please can someone give me an idiots guide on how to do it?
I did do a search but couldnt find what I was looking for. If I have missed it somewhere, please could you point me in the right direction.
Many Thanks for reading
Erica x
You might be able to make a big command/button which selects them all. Not sure if there is a limit on the number of lines one button can have.
If they're already in a text file, though, I would probably just turn it into a .bat file which moves all the files and not use Opus at all.
Either way, if you need to turn all the lines into Select commands or Move batch file lines then you'll want a text editor that does macros so you can repeat the same thing for all of the lines. I use TextPad but there are plenty of others.
(Hmm, second time I've mentioned TextPad today. I should get a commission!)
That was the sound of my head exploding !! lol
Thank you for replying Nudel, I think I am probably better off going thru the list and selecting one by one .. I dont know anything about bats lol
Erica xx
[quote="RPSPP"]KERBOOOOM !!!!
That was the sound of my head exploding !! lol
Thank you for replying Nudel, I think I am probably better off going thru the list and selecting one by one .. I dont know anything about bats lol
Erica xx[/quote]
If I were you, I would use a text editor and simply put MOVE & \NEWFOLDER\ name around each GIF file name, change the text file with a .BAT and type it in a command window.
It would seems hard at first, but text editor do find & replace very well. SO to save some typing, just enter a 1 char like '=', ',', then do a find & replace all = into MOVE and ',' into \newfolder\
Make your final text file look something like this
MOVE gif101 \NewFolder
MOVE gif442 \NewFolder
MOVE gif667 \NewFolder\
Save your text file as "GO.TXT"
goto command prompt, rename it into GO.BAT (rename GO.TXT GO.BAT)
then type GO
NOTE: If you have spaces in folder name or file name, put it like
"c:\new folder"
That's pretty much what I already suggested ("Move ")...
Anyway, I emailed Erica a few days ago and helped her get the files moved. All sorted now!