Issue with "Find QUERY" Command

For the Find command, the documentation says about the QUERY argument:

Performs a search in the specified location using the Windows Search system.

Example: Find QUERY "author:davidson" IN C:\Documents COLLNAME "Leo's Docs"

When I try Find QUERY "author:X" IN C:\, the search box displays:

"author:X" IN C:\

Not what I expect and does not work as a query.

Is the command I am using incorrect?

The docs are wrong and will be fixed.

Query passes everything that comes after it as the query parameter, so it has to be last on the command line.

@Leo, does Opus support Find IN "D:\" "E:\" "F:\" QUERY "tag:X"? Here the search never finishes (the progress indicator keeps spinning).

I don't know if that query syntax is correct (Windows Search is so poorly documented), or if perhaps Windows search is getting stuck on one of the files (what happens in Explorer?), but this kind of thing works here and in general:

Find IN "C:\Folder A" "C:\Folder B" "C:\Folder C" QUERY filename:*.png

I need it to specifically merge results from different disks. Your example does not cover that.

I think I got it now. I suspect it wasn't ending because I was concurrently running a Find search. Also the quotes around "tag:X" should not be used. Thanks for the assistance.

Different disks and different folders are likely to be handled in exactly the same way. I don't think that would make a difference.

The query string being wrong is more likely. Looks like you came to the same conclusion. Windows Search seems quite finicky about quotes, and it's either inconsistent about how the work with different search terms, or I haven't been able to work out what its rules are. It's a shame Microsoft still haven't properly documented the syntax!