use a single key to access the item when the list is visiable is very convenient, especially there are submenu exist.
You can already put & before a letter in the favorites label to make it an accelerator when the menu is open.
Right align is not supported.
Right align is already used to show hotkeys for favorites.
Hotkeys only visiable in the favorites' editor page. Right align of the list created by a button (e.g. "Favorites SHOWICONS NOOPENINTABS NEWTAB=findexisting,tofront") is blank.
btw, would you add some command to clear the log in log panel?
My mistake, I thought we displayed those in the menu.
It's a little off-topic but you can clear the log with this:
function OnClick(clickData)
The script doesn't work in DO11
@script JScript
function OnClick(clickData)
I used it for years in Opus 11 so I think it does.
Did you set the button's function type to Script Function?
Of course, I have set it to Script Function.
Is this only clear the Script Output log? I need clear other logs like: FTP logs, Email logs, Undo logs...
Just the script output log. This thread is way off it's original topic now.