Junction that points to itself causes crash

Dopus 10 crashes when trying to expand a drive in the folder tree with Junction folders in it.

This also happens with the latest version, 10.0.4.

I found no workarounds so far -- unfortunately. :angry:

Are you sure it is the junctions?

Lots of folders have junctions in them these days, since they are created in standard folders by the default Windows 7 install. If junctions caused the folder tree to crash, we'd know about it by now and have lots of complaints. :slight_smile:

You're right -- it can't be the junctions per se. Although notice that windows does not put junctions in the root of a drive -- which is the situation I am talking about.

But it can also be a question of number: the crashes started after I created a few junctions in the root of one of my HD D:. There are 5 junctions in it now, that point to different folders on external hard drives.

Whenever I try to expand D:, either by clicking on the '+' in the tree, or double clicking in the lister to the right, dopus crashes.
This doesn't happen with the other HDs, for instance C: where I also created a junction -- but just one.

p.s. I use "Junction link magic" to create junctions -- it always worked perfectly for me.

What happens when you do the same thing in Explorer?

Explorer expands the tree without a problem...

This is the error message I get...
I'll now remove all the junctions and see if I get the error again. Will report back soon.

If you turn off the tree in Opus and then double-click on the folders in question, does it work?

Forget about it! I solved the problem!

There was a junction, created by me, mistakenly pointing to itself.
As soon as I removed the bad junction, Dopus started working normally.

So it wasn't dopus fault!
Although, maybe, I could suggest the developers to prevent this crash from happening and instead work around it. :slight_smile:

Agreed, we'll put a check into the code for junctions that point to themselves.