But I see them when I go to each individual file's properties and they are also shown on the folder format selector as selected. Other categories like name,size,type.modified and attribute are visible.
Just installed OPUS 13.10 build 9004 8/26 and s format categories like comments and tags not visible
13.10 shouldn’t change which columns are turned on or off. That comes down to your folder formats:
Thank you for carefully reading my post. I see the format headers "comments and tags" but there are no entries. There are entries for name, size, etc. But no entries under "comments or tags". When I open the properties for the file(s) I so see an entry exists for a comment or tag. A competitor's file managment software does show an entry under comments etc. Without an entry under comments and tags I cannot use these categories to sort my files.
"Comments" and "Tags" can mean a few different things, but these might be the columns you are looking for:
General > User Description (Description will also show them, plus other information)
General > Tags
Please read my descritpion of the problem I am facing using the most recent version of OPUS, the downloading and installation of which has changed the appearance and functionality of your file management software so that despite the files having entries in their properties under tags and comments these do not show in the lister despite the lister having these categories appearing in the lister. Wpuld it help tp [rovide a screenshop or scan?