I really miss one thing from Windows/File Explorer. In Explorer, whenever you go back in the hierarchy, Explorer maintains the focus on the directory you came from. This is incredibly useful and something I rely on in day-to-day operations. By highlighting the previous directory (and keeping it visible on the screen, i.e., the window may have had to scroll down), I don't have to know/remember the directory I came from, it is already highlighted for me. I can then do whatever I intended to do with the directory but couldn't do when I was in it, such as move/rename/copy/delete it.
I can't seem to find a corresponding setting in Directory Opus. Is there even one? If not, could this please be implemented?
After having been a devoted Directory Opus fan back when I had my Amiga, I am currently considering going back to using Directory Opus again on my Windows machines. However, this missing feature, even though it may seem insignificant to some, is actually keeping me back from making that decision.