Labels in folder tree not refreshed

Labels in folder tree are not refreshed frequently enough.

I use several filter labels and they are also displayed in folder tree. But they are not refreshed when something changes.

E.g. I have labels marking files/folders which has been created or modified within 5 seconds and a separate label which marks folders which size equals to 0. And both are stuck (still enabled) even though a folder has been edited more than 5 seconds ago and is not empty (in terms of size) anymore.

In picture below you can see that one folder is marked in two different ways in folder tree and in file display.
Go REFRESH command doesn't help.

Unless something about the folder changes and causes it to be re-evaluated, the label will stay as it is.

A button which runs this will probably cause all the labels to be re-calculated:

Set TREE=Toggle
Set TREE=Toggle

(Edit: Better solutions are below.)

The button works but has serious side effects:

  • newly opened folder tree is scrolled differently
  • folders are expanded/collapsed in different way
    probably some more unwanted effects

What do you mean by "something about the folder changes"? If a folder is not empty anymore, it obviously has changed.

I'm seeing the same symptoms. I use NewsBinPro to download files from news groups. It re-assembles the files, detects zips and rars, and extracts the contents to a target sub-folder.

During the initial extract of files from zips and rars, NewsBinPro creates the target folder but precedes the folder name with UNPACK

The new folder is shown in the folder tree consistently.

When NewsBinPro has completed the extract successfully, NewsBinPro renames the folder to remove the UNPACK prefix.

I'd say 80% or more of the time, the folder tree does not reflect the new folder name.

F5 only affects the file list, which always displays correctly to start with. Reducing and expanding the sub-folder with the now incorrect label does not help. Toggling the folder tree works, but as daroc points out causes more problems than it solves.

Doesn't renaming a folder count as something that has changed about it that would cause the folder tree to be recalculated? After all, it does work correctly sometimes - just not usually.

If you've downloaded more than a couple items, this issue makes it rather awkward to find folders.

Actually, this is completely different issue.

I described a problem with labels (DOpus function that marks some of files basing on some rules, e.g. mark recently modified files with green icon or bold file names that are executable). Your problem is folder tree not being refreshed at all in some cases, which means that you don't see correct folder names in folder tree.

In contrast, I see proper folder names in folder tree but they are marked with incorrect labels.

Gotcha - sorry.

This is still an issue an the provided 'solution' isn't one that works.
Why are the folder labels refreshed in the file pane but not in the folder tree? This should happen at the same time.
In the image everything newer than 4 hours is colored green. The file pane is fine but the folder tree is not.

Like rbaer wrote above, the folder tree is also a lot of times out of sync with the file pane. Names not being updated or folders not being shown.
Both problems are still not solved. Will they in the future?

From what I remember (a while since I've looked at this code), folder tree labels are only evaluated for a folder at the point it is added to the tree (or when existing folders are refreshed due to a change event). They aren't constantly re-evaluated. Doing that would be very time and resource consuming, considering the folder tree can potentially show every folder on your system, as well as network folders, and so on.

File display labels are the same, I think, if you leave the same folder open for a long time. (Unless we have something to re-evaluate them occasionally if they have a time element; I'm not sure off the top of my head.)

Go REFRESH=tree or Go REFRESH=all may be enough to refresh the tree labels if they have a time elment.

Failing that, Go REBUILDTREE=both will definitely do it.

I understand that folders aren't constantly re-evaluated and that's fine.
The same is true for file display labels. But after a refresh those are re-evaluated.
I don't see why a refresh is not possible for labels in the folder tree.

Both Go REFRESH=tree or Go REFRESH=all don't work. IMO they should refresh the labels because it's a change event. Just like changing folders is, but that also doesn't change the labels.

Go REBUILDTREE=both does reset the label but also collapses the whole tree so that's not a solution.



Next version will refresh the tree's labels when any of Go REFRESH=source, ...=all, or ...=tree are used.

The default F5 hotkeys runs ...=source so it will now be the default for explicit refreshes.