Launch a DOpus preset layout from AutoCAD?

Hey guys,

Just wondering if it is at all possible to launch a Directory Opus layout from AutoCAD? using either macros or LISP?

Thanks for any help.

If AutoCAD can run external commands, you can do it via dopusrt.exe.

I'm not familiar with what AutoCAD can do, unfortunately.

Hi Leo,

Awesome, thanks for the tip. I managed to get spot on results using...

^C^C^P(startapp "C:/Program Files/GPSoftware/Directory Opus/dopusrt.exe /cmd 1356")

As a toolbar button macro - works flawlessly.

Thanks again.


One thing I have just noticed is that if I have a DOpus explorer window (with the 1356 layout enabled) open behind AutoCAD, it will not bring the window in front of AutoCAD.

Is there an additional string I can add to the code to push the DOpus window to the foreground?

Thanks again Leo.

Ps: How can I edit my previous posts on the forum?

See here.

Regards, AB

Understoor, thanks aussieboykie.

PPS: Further to my question regarding bringing the '1356' lister to the front, please see my 1356 Layout code below:


Thanks for any help.