Launch layout via start menu (was: Make my Day!)

I wait and have no use for MS StartMenu. That said.

I Don't know how, probably dragged a folder icon to the StartMenu, but found my clicking on it I launched Opus to the location of the icon (directory).

Question: Afraid to ask for fear I know the answer. Is there a way to have an icon on the Startmenu and have it load Opus with Lister?


PS: Reason for all the resent questions. Week ago I decided to do just about a complete re-install after years of sailing alone and not going for the meat & potatoes. Would you believe I never used Files Types or Groups since I got on board with Opus some 7 or 8 years ago.

Drag a layout from the Preferences window to a folder to create a file which will launch it. You can then drag that file into the Start Menu to make the Start Menu point at it.

That's too easy.

Thanks greatly!
