
Hi everyone - trialling Opus light although not sure if this is the correct version. Have been using the old 32bit ExplorerPlus program for many years. The Windows7 Explorer simply doesn't do it for me. Trying to get Opus to look similar to the attached screenshot. Is there a quick way of achieving something similar??
Any input appreciated.

Similar in what way? Which specific things do you want to duplicate from that screenshot?

Hi Leo - looking to duplicate the folder and tree view in both panes. As far as I can see, with Opus you have the folder view with 2 tree views. Must be missing a setting somewhere.

Turn on Preferences / Folder Tree / Options / Open second Folder Tree in dual display mode. Then, if you turn on dual-display or the tree, it should open two trees.

(It won't affect existing windows, so you might have to close & re-open either the tree or the dual-display.)

Thanks Leo - that worked - much appreciated.