Learning how to write scripts

Is there a decent (and hopefully short) guide to how to write scripting code? I have programming experience from years and years ago, but I'm very rusty and the script language looks very different from what I remember using. I have a few ideas that I'd like to try, but some basic beginner guidance would be really helpful.

"vbscript beginners" brings back a few tutorials. I don't know which are good.

Even more javascript ones out there which may be good for jscript, although they may focus too much on web stuff, I don't know.

Thanks, Leo. I guess I wasn't even sure what language the scripting was using. Giving me the idea to Google vbscript gets me started on trying to find some learning resources.

(Though if anyone else has a link to a particularly good [and short] reference, I'd still love to see it...)

Or - just hack stuff from the forums :slight_smile:

Grab some that look fairly simple (there are some that really aren't too complex), and ask questions by PM and see who responds. I often need a web reference and get various example hits all the time from googling w3schools, msdn, or devguru.

Start with adding simple 'DOpus.Output()' statements to get familiar with the variables and what again, and look at the results in the Opus script output log. There's a script editor in Opus as well, where you can try even simpler random things to interact with Opus and the filesystem...

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Guides are nice and all, but having access to offline/online help tend to be essential.

Offline documentation: this (CHM helpfile) from microsoft.
It is for both JScript and VBScript (5.6), so it may be missing some things, but it is easier to use.

Online documentation: msdn (Both JScript and VBScript).