Do you know why when browsing within the libraries (lib:\) the status column puts little check boxes on everything?
(disregard the flag icon in this example. It's the checkmark icon that's put there automatically)
When in the same folders but through the C:\users\ path, these checkboxes don't appear. ?
My status button is greyed out; I can't change any statuses that are in lib:\.
And I can't change metadata. This tells me, at least, that they are virtual folders or share behavior with virtual folders. But I have it set to treat them as real, so I dunno.
Ah I see.
Disabled the cloud status symbol and yea it removes the icons.
A few days ago, after installing OneDrive, I asked the microsoft forum why my main user folder was changed from a generic icon to a OneDrive cloud icon. They couldn't give me a straight answer.
I don't need OneDrive uploading absolutely everything I have. No, I have a specific folder where it syncs. Users/"me"/OneDrive. Not the entire user folder, Microsoft!
But on the web I'm using a tiny bit of data. That's a far cry from my users folder.
So why would OneDrive be monitoring folders that are out of its jurisdiction, but not syncing them? I'm going to have to look into this, thank you.
By the way, the greyed out menus I mentioned earlier are because I started using checkbox mode and I need to have the checkboxes checked to modify metadata. I'm in full retardation mode right now.
Because Microsoft are scumbags and it takes the DOJ and EU a long time to sue them for making OneDrive take over all your files in a confusing and unwanted way. Although I think the EU are working on it.
As for the status symbol issue, I also found this extra "Libraries" folder that I didn't add and can't remove.
You guys have heard of OneDrive before, right?
Well forget that. Get ready for TWO DRIVE, MF !!
That's right! Double the clouds means double the fun.
Stuck in the past only using one pictures folder? Nah, get yourself into the future with TWO PICTURE FOLDERS!
Why do computers when you can play pretend? Just imagine folders are there! No need for reality.
Getting short on storage space? We got you covered.
That's right! EIGHT TERABYTES MOAFUKRS! Just make up random numbers and now your 1 actual terabyte is 8 terabytes of super duper magic memory!
I've had about enough of computers for one day FML.
Something has added that in the registry. You can tell Opus to hide it by clicking on the "Show" column in the dialog in your screenshot.
Could be OneDrive that's part of Windows and OneDrive that's part of Office, although they usually have distinct labels in the tree.
One is probably pointing to the local drive and the other to a folder under OneDrive, thanks to Microsoft's overreach.
Could be due to junctions (depending on how Opus is configured to count them, or if Everything is being used to count folder sizes). Could also be Everything's index needs rebuilding.
Ok good. I told it to "hide". Didn't seem to change anything, but I bet it hid a duplicate somewhere.
My Windows environment variables paths have a duplicate for the OneDrive and the Temp folder.
That could be the source of some of this.
Seems like I have some uninvited friends that side loaded themselves onto my index or something.
(I only added C: to index)
I right clicked on the generic picture folder and 'remove from library'. That seems to have fixed that duplicate.